Quick.db 9.0.0 pre-release upgrade to NPM

This page talks about upgrading from the 9.0.0 pre-release version to the NPM official release

Lost of data

If you are experiencing data lost after upgrading quick.db. It is due to a change in the table name. Don't be afraid this can easily be corrected in two ways (do not do both of them)

Quick.db way

This is a way to fix this issue with quick.db dirrectlty. All there is to do is to initialize quick.db with the DB table in the options like so

const { QuickDB } = require('quick.db');
const db = new QuickDB({ table: "DB" });

Database way

This is a way to fix this issue by using the database. Depending of which database you were using you will need different tools. For SQLite, SQLite browser can be used. For MySQL the admin dashboard can be used. To fix the issue, you have to open the database in the program mentioned above. After that you need to find the database (or table) called DB and rename it to json

Last updated